We are Closed Important Information
Whilst we have closed the project to the public in line with government guidelines regarding COVID-19, a very small team of workers continue to work onsite to grow food which will:
A. be available for the community to buy a small cost – veg plants to grow at home, cut and come again salads and fresh seasonal produce.
B. enable us to run Lunch Club and other events when restrictions have been lifted, supporting the most vulnerable members of our community.
No more than 4 people are working at one time, and are spread out across the 2.4 acre site. Hands are washed immediately when entering and regularly throughout tasks and 2 metre social distancing is adhered to.
This work is recognised and allowed by Alex Norris MP, Nottingham City Council and the local police.
If you have any concerns, please contact Babs on 07890557854.