
LOCKDOWN - What it means for us

The bad news is that, due to the second lockdown, we have needed to suspend Lunch Club until next year now. We are gutted not be having our Friday socials, but we need to keep everyone safe and follow government guidelines. Forest School also has to take a break, but we are hopeful we can start back up again before Christmas, exploring the changes in the seasons.

The good news is that we can continue our volunteering sessions 4 days a week. “Thank goodness” I hear Jo and Adele cry, as a HUGE delivery of horse muck is delivered roadside!! Seriously though, we know the Garden is a therapeutic lifeline to many of our volunteers, and we are all so relieved.


This month we are also launching our new “Grow your own” club called Lets Get Growing, working with local households to start growing fruit and veg at home. We already have 40 households signed up for the scheme that will provide free resources and advice. We are looking forward to seeing how it develops through winter.


From 10 November, we will have our 2021 calendars for sale. Filled with beautiful photos of the Garden, seasonal recipes and gardening tips, they’re a bargain at £6. Contact Babs on 07890557854, if you’d like to get one.


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