10 Things to do with Chervil



• Add some chervil to a creamy courgette soup, or sprinkle over courgettes sautéed in olive oil with a bit of lemon zest and a squeeze of juice.

• Pound some chervil into butter with sea salt, black pepper and a little lemon juice to make a seasoned butter to go with steak or lobster.

• In autumn, add it to mushrooms sautéed in butter and finished with cream.

• In winter, add it to a celeriac and potato purée.

• Stir some into mayonnaise to go with goujons of fish or chicken.

• Add it to scrambled eggs.

• Make a dip for radishes by stirring together some soft goat’s cheese and yogurt until smooth, and stirring in some chervil, salt and pepper.

• Sprinkle it over roasted fennel.

• Mixed with seasoned breadcrumbs and a little very finely diced shallot, chervil makes a good topping for grilled oysters.

• For an easy potato salad, dress boiled potatoes while they’re still warm with a vinaigrette laced with plenty of chervil.